
Lehrkraft: Fatima

Lehrkraft Fatima in 07745

Status: Aktiv

Since the start of my bachelor's degree, I have worked with many different students and institutions - which gave me the professional guide I needed. Moreover, I participated in many volunteering activities and this enabled me to connect with students from different backgrounds.

  • Wohnort: 07745 Jena

  • Angebot: Englisch (bis Bachelor), Sprachunterricht Englisch

  • Preis: 45 Min. / Ab 21 Euro (je nach Niveau)


  • Verfügbar: Montag, Dienstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag

  • Kapazitäten: 0 Stunden pro Woche verfügbar

  • Unterrichtsort: Lokal- und Online-Unterricht möglich

Qualifikation & Erfahrung

  • Studium: English Language Teaching Master's

  • Lehrerfahrung: 7 Jahre

  • Für Englisch: As a full-time certified English teacher with distinguished native-speaker skills along with professional teaching methods specialized according to the students' needs, I think what makes me different is the fact that I really want to help.